Being a single mother does not mean being alone | Your baby is the love of your life

by Shirley Marie Bradby

February 08, 2020

Being a single mother does not mean being alone | Your baby is the love of your life

Being a mom is not an easy task, but being a single mom is even harder and a real challenge.

In my modest opinion, there is no woman more courageous and admirable than a single mother.

I never thought that at my young age I would become a single mom, but do you know what? It is the best thing that has ever happened to me in life.

Thank you, Life for giving me my "prince charming", my confidant, my greatest, eternal love.

Now, I have been a mother for almost three months and I have really learned more during this time than in my entire life.

via Journal of Social Sciences

Beth Rankin/Wikimedia

Beth Rankin/Wikimedia

Being a single mother means becoming a mature, courageous, strong, daring woman, a fighter, and someone who is capable of doing anything.

Of course, there are dark moments, full of sadness, anger, and uncertainty, but this happens to everyone, yet time heals everything.

Now that I am a mother, I have a huge reason to stand on my own two feet! Yes, maybe, I will have to work two jobs, make a double effort, but it is absolutely worth it for my little prince.

Being a single mother does not mean being alone because ​​I already have my baby son, who is the greatest love of my life.

Now, however, I realize that I have a great responsibility to educate my son to become a good man, with values, and a man who knows how to respect and value both the women and the men in his life, but I already know that I will succeed!



I know there are many women in my situation who have no one to support them but remember, dear single moms, you are not alone!

Every day of your life, you wake up next to that Prince Charming, who is your greatest motivator and who will continue to help you improve yourself, day after day.
